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Kauri Rescue


Community Control of Kauri Dieback: Tiaki Kauri

We partner with landowners and the community to combat the spread of kauri dieback. Working with you, we aim to identify and delay the progression and spread of the disease, working to preserve the health and beauty of our cherished kauri trees. Join us in our mission for Tiaki Kauri.

Kauri Rescue


Community Control of Kauri Dieback: Tiaki Kauri




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About Us

About Us


Kauri Rescue™ is a NZ registered charity. The team comprises scientists, social scientists, iwi and community groups and was initially funded for two-years 2017-2019 from the Government’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge.

What we do

Kauri Rescue™ project otherwise known as Community Control of Kauri Dieback: Tiaki Kauri seeks to engage the public in refining new citizen science tools for the treatment of kauri dieback disease, which is decimating kauri forests in northern New Zealand


Following initial funding (2017-19) and three year (2021-24) project funding from the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Kauri Rescue™ is currently funded by grants from the Ministry for Primary Industries Tiakina Kauri: Kauri Protection Fund, Auckland Council and Foundation North. However these grants are insufficient to cover our costs so donors and sponsors are most welcome to support our work.


Our scientists work with private landowners to keep their kauri healthy and if they wish do so the landowners can treat their own trees with a chemical called phosphite. This has shown great promise in kauri dieback programme-funded scientific trials, by enabling kauri to fight back against the Phytophthora agathidicida pathogen that causes the disease. If you are a landowner with kauri on your property, read on.

If you know or suspect that you have kauri dieback on your residential or rural property you can join this project and treat your own sick trees.  One of our team members can provide a free health assessment of your kauri tree(s) and collect soil for testing to confirm kauri dieback. In Auckland this site testing work is funded by Auckland Council Biosecurity but performed by Kauri Rescue. Outside Auckland it will be an officer from the relevant Regional Council that will inspect your trees. It is important this testing is undertaken as only sites with confirmed kauri dieback can be included in the project.

If you do have the disease confirmed on your property then we will work with you to treat and monitor your own trees. This treatment service is free to landowners, funded by our sponsors and partners.


We work alongside private landowners, providing solutions to protect the precious kauri trees on their properties from the devastating effects of kauri dieback. Our innovative approach, using phosphite treatment, has shown promising results in combating this disease. By partnering with us, you become a vital force in the fight to preserve these iconic and majestic trees. Join us today and together, let’s safeguard the future of our kauri forests.

Take action

If you’re a landowner concerned about kauri on your property, please complete our ”Take Action” form

Take Action
Where are the kauri trees that you are concerned about?
Kauri dieback symptoms
What symptoms you are seeing in your Kauri Trees.

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If you'd like to share any other information, please enter it here.
Confirmation (please tick one option)
Soil Test Authorisation
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Kauri Rescue™ News



Ngā mihi o Te Tau Hau / Happy New Year from Kauri Rescue | Join us at the World Wetland Festival at Matuku Link | Join us at the Āwhitu Tiaki te Whenua Day | Treatment tools evaluation report online | International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Phytophthora conference 2024 | Re-treatment is rolling out | Thanks to Key Industries | We need your donations to support our work | Thanks to our funders



Treating Taonga Trees in the Cascades | New funding from Foundation North | International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Phytophthora Conference 2024 | Treatment Tools Evaluation Report and Online Hui | Re-treatment Strategy |



Expansion into Āwhitu | Northland Field Days | Te Roroa & Te Kawerau ā Maki Wānanga | Sudden Death of Kauri | Monitoring Report in Production | Guardians of Nature | Re-treatment Strategy | Thanks to Premier Tapes and Liz Somers | Thanks to our funders

November 2023 News

November 2023 News

Updates from Kauri Rescue™ for November 2023. Topics include: Summer’s about to start | Check our our new website | Thanks to Gary Stalker | Congratulations to Shannon | Moves into Northland | Thanks to our funders

June 2023

June 2023

Updates from Kauri Rescue™ for June 2023. Topics include: Summer wrap-up | Data Analysis Progress | Re-treatment strategy | Social Science Survey | Kaurilands presentations

March 2022

March 2022

The March 2022 update from Kauri Rescue™ – topics:
Reassessing the health of treated Kauri | Supporting the latest science research | Supporting citizen scientists to protect their Kauri | Phytophthora agathidicida genome reboot

Support Kauri Rescue™

There are numerous ways to support our work at Kauri Rescue™. Whether you choose to become a sponsor, donate time, contribute financially or donate goods or services, we wholeheartedly encourage and welcome your support. Together, we can make a difference in managing the disease that threatens one of Aotearoa NZ’s most beloved and majestic trees.

Sponsor Us

Our work relies on the generous support of sponsors and donations.

Donate Money

Every dollar we receive is invested in helping to protect kauri.


Our team of volunteer Ambassadors are critical to the success of our programmes.

Our Partners & Sponsors

Kauri Rescue™ thanks our current funders for their ongoing support:

Auckland Council

NZ Lottery Grants Board

Foundation North

Community Organisation Grants Scheme

Kauri Protection Agency

Kauri Rescue™ thanks our past funders for their previous support:

Biological Heritage National Science Challenge (funding 2017-19 and 2021-24)